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¡AHORA EN ESPANOL! Madre de Misericordia Rosario Bíblico - $6.95

¡Ahora en Español! Si usted alguna vez ha tenido problemas meditando mientras reza el Rosario, este es el folleto para usted. En el se presentan pasajes breves de las escrituras antes de cada Ave María, a fin de ayudarlo a mantenerse enfocado en cada misterio. Los pasajes han sido seleccionados cuidadosamente de modo que, mientras usted ora el Ave María, se desarrolla gradualmente la historia del evento que está contemplando. Además de ayudarlo a mantener su mente en los misterios, cada pasaje de las escrituras también agrega el poder de la Palabra de Dios. Como lo explica el Papa Juan Pablo II, cuando utilizamos las escrituras para ayudarnos a contemplar y “recordar” con María los grandes misterios de su Hijo, no solo estamos “recordando una información, sino dejando ‘hablar’ a Dios” (RVM #30). Entonces el Rosario se transforma en “un itinerario contemplativio … un compendio del mensaje evangélico” (RVM #38).

A Study Guide for 7 Secrets of Confession-10 Copies - $63.50

In this inspiring and easy-to-use guide, author Mary Flynn leads you on a personal journey to a more intimate encounter with God the Father in the Sacrament of Confession. A perfect companion to 7 Secrets of Confession, this chapter-by-chapter study guide is a great resource for: individual use, discussion groups, CCD classes, or RCIA formation. You’ll learn how to personalize each “secret,” gain fresh in¬sights into its relevance to your daily life, and find new ways to respond to God in the confessional. Each chapter offers:• thought-provoking ideas for personal reflection• down-to-earth questions for discussion or journaling• meaningful challenges for daily life• additional readings from Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the Diary of St. Faustina• the author’s own insights, which will invite and inspire you to make a personal response to the merciful Heart of God About the Author Mary Flynn is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, and holds a B.A. in Theology. A talented writer and musician, she has long been involved in music and outreach ministry, and is currently working as an active member of the MercySong Ministries Team. Her previous book, A Study Guide for 7 Secrets of the Eucharist: Encountering the Heart of God is used in Parishes and Book Clubs around the country. Save 20%

Combo Offer: Book & Study Guide - $16.50

1 each of Study Guide & 7 Secrets of Confession book. Save 20%

7 Secretos de la Confesión-Caja de 10 Copias - $100.00

¡Ahora en Español! por Vinny Flynn “Quiero comulgar, así que me tengo que confesar.” Te resulta familiar? Para muchos Católicos, la confesión es solo un medio para alcanzar un fin: lavarnos del pecado para poder recibir la Comunión. Sin embargo, como nos dice el Papa Francisco, la confesión es mucho más que “ir a la lavandería.” Es “un encuentro con Jesús que nos espera como somos.” En 7 Secretos de la Confesión, el autor de gran éxito de ventas, Vinny Flynn, explora las verdades “ocultas” de ese encuentro con Cristo, presentando lo que para muchos será un modo nuevo de acercarse a la confesión, e invitándote a iniciar un apasionante camino personal de sanación y santidad. Si aún no ansias la consfesión de la misma manera que ansias la Comunión, lee este libro. Cambiará tu vida. Vinny Flynn es el autor del libro más vendido 7 Secretos de la Eucaristía, 21 Maneras de Adorar, y La Mirada de Misericordia. Director ejecutivo de MercySong Ministries of Healing, también es un músico y conferencista talentoso. Sus ense~nanzas poderosas en la
Divina Misericordia, los Sacramentos,
y el amor del Padre, han hecho de el
un conferencista popular en misiones
parroquiales y retiros.

Christmas Special! 7 Secrets of Confession with FREE Gentle Joy CD - $12.95

**This product is no longer guaranteed to arrive by Christmas. CD: Re-released! In this beautiful Still Waters album, Vinny and Donna Flynn are joined by their daughters Colleen, Erin, and Mary in a quiet and joyful celebration of Christmas. Featuring a peaceful blend of traditional Christmas carols with some you may not have heard before, Gentle Joy is a prayerful, inspiring album reflecting the real spirit of Christmas. BOOK: The 2nd in Vinny Flynn's popular "7 Secrets Series," this book is endorsed by: Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Cardinal Francis George, Fr. Michael Gaitley, Lisa Hendey, Fr. Donald Calloway, Mother Assumpta M. Long, Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner and many more! In 7 Secrets of Confession, best-selling author Vinny Flynn explores the “hidden” truths of this encounter with Jesus, presenting what to many will be a whole new way of going to confession, and inviting you to begin an exciting personal journey to healing and holiness. If you do not yet look forward to confession in the same way you look forward to Communion, read on. It will change your life.

Christmas Special! Parenting on Purpose with FREE Gentle Joy CD - $14.95

**This product is no longer guaranteed to arrive by Christmas. CD: Re-released! In this beautiful Still Waters album, Vinny and Donna Flynn are joined by their daughters Colleen, Erin, and Mary in a quiet and joyful celebration of Christmas. Featuring a peaceful blend of traditional Christmas carols with some you may not have heard before, Gentle Joy is a prayerful, inspiring album reflecting the real spirit of Christmas. BOOK: In "Parenting on Purpose," Jason Free provides you with all you need to develop a personal plan for leading your kids to a clear awareness of their Christian identity, so that Christian values, beliefs and attitudes will become as natural to them as breathing. What people are saying about "Parenting on Purpose." “This is a fabulous book. If you have children — read it! If you don’t have children yet —read it in preparation.”— Matthew Kelly New York Times best-selling author of The Rhythm of Life and Building Better Families“A truly delightful read, this book offers prayerful insights and practical steps to becoming great Christian parents with terrific Christian children. As a priest, I highly recommend this book both to those who are preparing for marriage and those who are already married.”— Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC Author of No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy“Dad and Mom, you will not be able to put down this beautifully written book. It will startle you with its fresh and unanticipated wisdom based on the author’s professional training and experience in raising his eight children. You will benefit especially by implementing the practical advice in the ‘ Let’s roll up our sleeves…’ section at the end of every chapter.”— Bert Ghezzi Granddad of fourteen and author of Adventures in Daily Prayer“What a beautifully written book, filled with wisdom, wit and encouragement for Christian parents! Jason Free speaks with candor and compassion about the challenges and rewards of ‘ parenting on purpose.’ As mother of four and grandmother of five, I learned valuable lessons I can still apply to my own parenting. Get ready to be inspired and to enjoy!”— Patti Mansfield Author of As By A New Pentecost, International Conference Speaker. www.ccrno.org“This is a fantastic book! — a highly readable and practical guidebook on how to raise great Christian kids — on purpose! I highly recommend it!”— Fr. Larry Richards Author of Be a Man!: Becoming the Man God Created You to Be Founder, The Reason for Our Hope Foundation“I truly enjoyed Parenting on Purpose. It is a great read — a true gift to Christian parents young and old. The stories shared within are as moving as they are practical. With every turn of the page I was boldly affirmed and gently challenged in my own parenthood. This is a great gift for any Christian parent who takes their vocation seriously… and a needed gift for any who (sadly) might not.”— Mark Hart Best-selling Catholic author and speaker Executive Vice President, Life Teen International“Parenting on Purpose by Jason Free comes right from the heart of a dedicated Christian dad. It is a must-have guide on the essentials for raising Christian kids in today’s challenging world. This versatile guide is fun to read, chock full of practical ideas, and based on solid biblical principles that will keep moms and dads on track through the lifelong adventure of bringing up terrific Christian kids.”— David Came Executive Editor, Marian Helper magazine Author of Pope Benedict’s Divine Mercy Mandate“It is refreshing to read a book that not only points you in the right direction but gives you practical ideas on how to get there. Parenting on Purpose is filled with insights on parenting that will change lives for eternity.”— Jeff Cavins Speaker and author of The Great Adventure: A Journey through the Bible“At the beginning of Parenting on Purpose, Jason Free says that his book is not a manual for Christian parenting. I wholeheartedly disagree. Free gives Christian parents a formula for parenting that will, with God’s grace, produce happy, well-adjusted, faith-filled children. His warm, personal, easy-going style is engaging and at the same time challenging. He calls readers to greater holiness and fidelity to the Lord and their spouse, all the while forming the reader in biblically based parenting. Parenting on Purpose made me laugh and cry, but more importantly it made me rethink the way I parent my own children. I am a better dad for having read this book.”— Patrick Novecosky Editor of Legatus Magazine; correspondent for the National Catholic Register; contributing writer for Faith & Family Magazine“An easy and enjoyable read, full of great practical advice for Christians of all denominations. The principles Jason presents are so universally true and scripturally-based that this book is a veritable Mere Christianity of Christian parenting and should prove of great value to all who follow Christ. I highly endorse Parenting on Purpose for all parents, and indeed, for grandparents too. In fact, I can hardly think of a more perfect gift for parents and for couples awaiting their first (or next) special arrival.”— Kevin Vost, Psy.D. Author of Memorize the Faith!, Fit for Eternal Life, Unearthing Your Ten Talents, and From Atheism to Catholicism“With Parenting on Purpose, Jason Free has offered parents some of that elusive ‘ magic formula’ we’re all seeking when we become parents, or when life becomes even more complicated as our families grow. Jason’s insights and perspectives will help any parent to do his or her job more intentionally, with greater care and with an increased reliance upon prayer and scripture for guidance. Written from the trenches of family life, this book will uplift you, inspire you, and help you to see the blessings inherent in raising faith-filled kids. Kudos!”— Lisa M. Hendey Founder and editor of www.CatholicMom.com Author of The Handbook for Catholic Moms“Parenting on Purpose belongs on every Christian parent’s bookshelf. Culling from his own fathering experiences, Jason Free combines practical tips, theological truths, and good ole’ common sense to give readers a sense of direction and a sense of confidence about their parenting skills. His candor, wit, and wisdom make this an engaging read even as he challenges parents to ‘ roll up their sleeves,’ take stock, and take action. The bottom line —buy it!”— Johnnette S. Benkovic, EWTN Host, founder of Women of Grace® and Living His Life Abundantly® International, Inc.“This is no dry, philosophical treatise about parenting. It’s a ‘ how-to’ book, a straightforward, conversational, ‘ in-your-face’ sharing of specific ways to bring joy to your family and raise your children as real Christians. Often funny, sometimes sad, and always engaging, Parenting on Purpose will give you a whole new sense of direction as a parent and help you guide your children to a lasting and fulfilling relationship with God.”— Vinny Flynn Author of 7 Secrets of the Eucharist www.MercySong.com“Wow! Finally a book offering practical ways to raise your children as Christians. A first-class spiritual trainer, Jason Free challenges you to decide now what legacy you want to leave to your children.”— Fr. George W. Kosicki, CSB Speaker and author of John Paul II: The Great Mercy Pope“Both refreshing and essential for today’s Christian parent — Parenting on Purpose will make your heart soar! Through vivid anecdotes, honest insights, and wisdom gained in the trenches of raising eight children, Jason Free guides us to move closer to the family hearth, pare down on technology, and get serious about family prayer and all that is crucial to raise our kids Christian — on purpose!”— Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle, Catholic author and EWTN host of “Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms”“Do yourself a favor and spend one short afternoon reading this captivating book. Jason Free first entertains, then provides you with common sense methods to change your child’s eternity — on purpose! It’s never too late to give your children a legacy. … What will it be?”— Colleen Hammond Speaker and author of Dressing with Dignity and The Gossip’s Guide With a warm, conversational tone, Jason Free encourages mothers and fathers to consider seven principles of good Christian parenting. He inspires new parents and veterans alike to thoughtfully, intentionally, and actively love their children well every day. This easily read volume blesses us with practical suggestions for prayerful consideration and sound advice for raising a Christian family that is everything God intended it to be. I highly recommend it!— Elizabeth Foss Author Small Steps for Catholic Moms and Real Learning: Education in the Heart of my Home






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